Sorry I've been m.i.a. lately. I was so ill the three weeks before Christmas. It started with a minor sore throat for a few days and nothing else. Then I woke up a few days later with severe chills. I had 5 blankets on me but still shivered uncontrollably. I thought I was having a seizure because it was so bad, but I realized I had control of my body still. My mother in law had to hold me down because it was so uncontrollable. Then I had fevers/ chills, and had a horrible chest cough with lots of green phlegm. I was too ill to go to the doctor, but we all suspect that I had pneumonia, which I'm suspectable to anyway because I have liquid in my lungs. I was in bed for two weeks straight feeling horrendous on top of everything else that is happening to my body. It also gave me bed sores, and an ear infection. I still cannot release the pressure in my left ear. It sounds like I'm under water. I'm feeling better after a round of antibiotics. Lost more weight. Still have a bit of a cough, but grateful to feel human again. In this pic I hadn't showered for nearly 9 days. I had puke, spit and food in my hair. I think I was starting to form dreads. I was feral. Be careful out there everyone. This pneumonia is going around and it's no joke.
#stage4cancer #stage4 #stage4breastcancer #metastaticbreastcancer #myhealingjourney #dayinmylife #traumaqueen #fuckcancer #cancersucks👎