Let’s talk DISINHIBITION ⬇️ For so long, we’ve been conditioned to hold back-quieting our voice, dimming our light, and inhibiting our natural impulses 🌊 But as your nervous system heals and starts to feel safer, something magical happens: disinhibition 🙌🏼 It’s the moment you feel safe enough to dance to your own rhythm, express your truth, and step fully into who you really are. This is what differentiation looks like-separating the “shoulds” from your authentic self and reclaiming your voice. Every unencumbered smile, every bold “yes” or sacred “no,” (or thank god! 😂) every unapologetic expression of you is worth celebrating. Because this is how we come home to ourselves ❤️ Tell me - what’s one way your authentic expression has come through recently? Let’s celebrate it together 🎉 And if you need support in this arena, check out my profile for more 👉🏼 your authenticity roadmap awaits! 👑 . . . . .
#somaticexperiencing #nervoussystemregulation #traumaresolution #womenscoach #traumaresolution #traumahealing