Why do trout love an ice edge? Protection, depth, and food! Birds, raccoons or any other predator have a hard time getting to them if they are under the ice. It’s the shallow, slower water that freezes first, so when you see an open drift in a creek, chances are that’s the faster portion and the deepest. Plus, entomology flows where water flows, so the food will be drifting in the spot with no ice. Trout love deep water in the winter bc it’s a more controlled environment; consistent water flow, food, and protection. Plus they don’t need a lot of oxygen in the winter so they can spend time near the bottom, instead of in the riffles. A trout’s life is all about food, oxygen and protection. Find an environment that provides all three, and you’ll catch em. Also, please be careful if you’re brave enough to walk on the ice. Don’t do what I do.
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