You Are Not Alone I'll prepare you mentally For everything, you see Whether manic or depressed Or with anxiety Whatever you're obsessed with Whatever plagues your mind I can truly empathize When you are in a bind All the fears you've had for years What echoes in your head Voices that give you no choice How long have you felt dread? You have schizophrenia And yes, I have it too In a slightly different form But I've learned what to do I've educated myself On what it is and not I had to do the research So I have been self-taught Let me tell you openly That you are not alone And it's clear that I'll be here To be your stepping stone Take it one step at a time Through meds and therapy As a peer, I'll be sincere Don't suffer needlessly If you cry, I'll dry your eyes If you laugh, I will too If you only need a hug I'll gladly embrace you Hold my hand and I'll hold yours Together we can win So be sure, we can endure Our battles from within Side by side, never denied By those who will spread hate Vicious lies that may arise But we can compensate We'll be here to persevere To both thrive on our own With great love and empathy Yes, you are not alone Poem by Michael Michalas
#asabovesobelow #darklord #cosmic #darkgods #protector #darksouls #lucifer #luciferian #Lilithian #pain #turntostone #haunted #cursed #damned #13th #wisdom #MentalHealth #manifestation #Forbidden #warlock #deathwitch #evil #Seer #malevolent #adversary #creepy #NightMonster #hellish #hell #demonwoman