📢 Attention OTNC Tribal Citizens in Bethel 📢 If you’re 18 years or older and live within Bethel, please make sure your address is updated to receive your voting packet on the 19 proposed constitutional amendments. ✅ Important Details: Voting packets are being mailed out soon. If you did not receive a packet, call OTNC at (907) 543-2608 to notify them. Or, if you’re in town, stop by the OTNC office to pick one up. Deadline: Your completed packet must be submitted by March 14, 2025, at 1 PM. Your Vote Matters – Protect Our Future: ✅ Vote YES on Lineal Descent – to ensure enrollment for your future grandchildren and great-grandchildren. ❌ Vote NO on Direct Lineal Descent ❌ Vote NO on 1/4 Blood Quantum I will continue to request that the Executive Director make this information public, as he assured me in his email correspondence. Let’s stand together for the future of our people. And always remember to choose kindness.
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