In 60 days Latryce lost 27 LBS.* She did two 20-day Full Body Cleanses and a 20-Day Weight Release Cleanse. She ate raw vegan for 40 days, and vegan the last 20 days.✨
The Full Body Cleanse is a safe and effective 20-day herbal-based Cleanse that helps you work toward ensuring that your entire body is functioning at an optimal level: your immune system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, organs, vessels, and more.**
The Weight Release Cleanse may help your body cleanse itself of waste and excess, and helps prepare you for gradual weight loss.**
🔗 Comment 180 to learn more about the 180º Challenge.
*This transformation is part of the Dherbs
✨ Results are not typical / Results may vary. Weight release is achieved through a combination of diet change and routine exercise.
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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