I remember distinctly having no idea what was going on with me. I felt exhausted, anxious, and overwhelmed, like my body was on overdrive, but I couldn’t explain why. It got so bad that I ended up in the doctor’s office. Unfortunately, I left with a script and no real answers. That’s when I started digging and found accounts like this one @overcomingfightorflight talking about a wrecked nervous system. Suddenly, everything started making sense. There’s a difference between going through a season of stress and your body being stuck in fight or flight mode. Fight or flight is your body’s natural survival response—it kicks in during danger to help you react. But you are not meant to live in this state so if your nervous system gets stuck in this state, even when there’s no immediate threat, it can cause serious long-term effects. Here are 5 signs your body might be stuck in fight or flight, not just handling temporary stress: 1️⃣ Chronic Physical Symptoms • Tight muscles, digestive issues, or a constantly racing heart. 2️⃣ Difficulty Relaxing or Sleeping • You feel restless or can’t shut off your thoughts, even in calm moments. You wake up in the middle of the night staring at the ceiling. 3️⃣ Emotional Dysregulation • You’re overly irritable, anxious, or emotionally reactive. Loud noise overstimulates you. 4️⃣ Fatigue Despite Rest • You’re always tired, no matter how much sleep you get, and may feel brain fog. 5️⃣ Overactive Nervous System Responses • You’re jumpy, hypervigilant, sweating, or shaking for no reason. Trouble regulating body temperature. When I finally understood this, I realized I needed to support my nervous system instead of just “pushing through.” The number one way to heal is to keep your body in a calming state. Click the follow button because I am going to continue to share all the ways in my reels. Is it just stress 💜, or is your body stuck in fight or flight❤️? Drop a colored heart in the comments to let me know.
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