Struggling to catch balance in Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand)? A few weeks ago, I asked you guys on my stories which pose you were struggling with the most in your practice, and the
#1 response was Pincha or Handstand. I get it!! I struggled with my inversions for YEARS before finally unlocking them in my practice. When I did, I realized what I learned on social media and in yoga class, for the most part, was wrong or significantly incomplete. Contrary to what we've all been told, I didn't need more core OR shoulder strength (and you don't, either)! I also didn’t need to hold a perfect pose at the wall for 20 seconds or whatever, before moving to the middle of the room. What actually made the difference for me was improving my shoulder mobility (playing with different hand options can help), understanding how the position of my neck affects everything else up the chain, learning to use my fingers as my braking system, and, most importantly, learning how to TRUST myself upside down! If you've been struggling to kick up to the wall or take your inversions to the middle of the room, chances are you're just missing a few KEY details like I was. And if you're ready to put all the pieces together and understand how to unlock epic poses in a way that makes sense in YOUR unique body, you're gonna love this 👇 I’m hosting a FREE week-long Arm Balance & Inversions training next week with my team of Yogi Flight School Coaches! You’ll learn the proven method that’s helped thousands of yogis fly in record time - no extra strength required. Come hang out with yoga ninjas from all over the globe as you: ✨ Learn the step-by-step details that will take the overwhelm out of your practice. ✨ Get real-time, personalized feedback from me and my team of coaches. ✨ Be AMAZED by what you can achieve in record time with the right approach! 🔴 Click the l!nk in my b!o to sign up! If you can’t join us live, a replay will be sent out after each session. This is THE training you won’t want to miss! .
#armbalancetraining #yogabalancepose #yogabalanceact #yogaforbeginners #handbalancing #handstandtraining #yogastrength how to arm balance yoga, how to do handstand,