Only 5 Lifts for the Rest of My Life 👇🏼 1. SQUATS - the most anabolic, muscle and strength signaling exercise on the market. More than any other movement, squats are some of the most humbling when under heavy weight. Thus, this exercise potentiates better than any other meaning it signals to our body we will get stronger to adapt. Squats are king and queen when it comes to lower body movements. Please do them. 2. HIP THRUSTS - 🍑. Enough said. 3. INCLINE BENCH - helps build top shelf of chest, which is severely underdeveloped in most people and pops when you see it in someone else. 4. OHP - works all 3 heads of delts and one of the most alpha-feeling, juicy pumps for upper body movements when you find your groove. 5. PULL-UPS - best overall back builder to help build width and further create the appearance of a tinier waste. Helpful, let me know! 💪🏽🔥
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