One Year Ago, Tiny Tim’s Journey Began A year ago, we learned about Tiny Tim (TT), a precious soul in Delaware who was suffering from terrible seizures. No one was willing to help him, and he was facing the unthinkable. But then, a Christmas miracle began to unfold. Our incredible friend Claire responded to an emergency plea for transport in the middle of the night. Without hesitation, she drove straight to pick up TT and rushed him to the hospital. It was touch and go from the start. On Christmas Eve, we received the heartbreaking call: TT was declining fast and likely wouldn’t make it through the night. Even though we hadn’t yet met TT in person, we were devastated. It takes just one moment for us to fall deeply in love with these babies. We refused to give up on him. Thankfully, Dr. Hawkins stepped in and convinced the team to switch TT’s antibiotics. The original medication wasn’t crossing the blood-brain barrier and couldn’t treat his meningitis. The new treatment made all the difference, and from that moment, TT began to improve. Today, TT is thriving. He hasn’t had any more issues and lives his best life with his friends Hannah Montana, Cruz, and Lt. Dan. He’s spoiled beyond belief, just as he deserves. We cherish every single day with TT and the 100 other amazing souls who call Ziggy’s Refuge home. Their happiness is everything to us. ❤️
#TinyTim #RescueStory #ChristmasMiracle #CompassionInAction #ZiggysRefuge