Microneedling regularly promotes healthier, younger looking skin by improving skin texture, uneven skin tone, and collagen production. 🌟 I love using this 14kt gold plated roller from Environ because the gold naturally suppresses bacterial growth! Here’s the rolling routine I use to microneedle at home. Divide the area to be treated into sections - the forehead, the nose, the cheeks, the mouth area and the right and left sides of the neck. Don’t forget the low neckline area and the back of the hands. Start on the forehead and roll vertically. Roll over the forehead and eyebrow area thoroughly. Gradually move across the skin until the forehead has been totally treated about two to five times in a vertical direction. Then roll obliquely at the same intensity covering the same areas and finally roll horizontally, rolling over each area of skin at least two to five times in each direction. Treat each area sequentially until the whole face, neck and low neckline have been treated thoroughly and evenly. 3-5 minutes is usually sufficient for the face and neck, depending on your speed of rolling.
#skintok #SkinCare101 #microneedling