It's a personal choice, and can be done differently! I always train a lot of recall, since my dogs are living most of their life off leash. But it failed quite a lot of times with my first dog... I had this very specific cue to call her back, and it worked 100/100 times for training purposes. In real life situations, not so much. I figured out, that I unconsciously changed the cue when it was "the real deal". If she took off after a deer, I called way more tense and sharp than usual. Sometimes I even used a different word, because we don't always have time to think in these situations. Now I changed my cues to a lot of different things, and I didn't have a failed recall on wildlife ever since. The cues alone are not doing the magic, though. This post is about cues - but the cues alone doesn't train your dog! 🙏
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