His reaction 🥹 I’m so excited to be starting this pregnancy journey with Tay! 🥹❤️ backstory ::: So as a few of you may know, i am pregnant again… 😂 and I’m so so so excited! I tested on my own in the bathroom and when the test said “pregnant”, I was so shocked and excited and all of the emotions! Then, I wanted to immeditaly tell tay! 😂 but I knew that i wanted to do it in a fun way, so i decided to go tell kinsley first. And she was so happy! Then i told my mom, and all three of us tried to figure out how to tell Tay but we couldnt think of anything! 😂 And i was so scared that i was going to ruin the surprise because I am horrible at keeping secrets, so i went to look for a toy bug to hide, so i could ask him to get it for me, and i would be behind him holding the test! But i couldn’t find those bugs anywhere! So i finally just hid a phone and called him up to the room, and this was the result! 😂 We are both so excited and shocked, and can’t wait to have this pregnancy journey and make ellie a big sister and meet our baby! 🥹
#kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant