We all agree on basic learning theory now (I use negative punishment on those who don’t), so let’s look into different food rewards we can use in horse training. 🍎🥕🌾 You might be surprised to hear I use a lot more hay in the training, than carrots. Forage based is what I recommend everyone to start out with, and then you increase value when necessary. So come along for a taste test with Iver! I feed fruits and vegetables in certain situations, but in my daily training and handling, I use hay, grass pellets, Cavalor Crunchies, hardfeed or whatever I have on hand. Iver is well educated and is more relaxed around different foods than Eira for instance. With her, I stick to low value with only a few exceptions. 🍌 I highly recommend to look into the ingredient list, and nutritional content in store-bought treats before feeding them. My equine dentist does not recommend to use them as they get sticky in the horses teeth, and can cause damage.
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