HOW DO I PRICE MY WORK? If you’re just as confused as I was when I started in my freelancing business, I’m running a Q&A masterclass that’s here to help you! This February 12-14—I’m speaking at the Designer Boss Summit and joined by the likes of Aaron Draplin, James Barnard, Meg Lewis, Liz Mosley, Will Paterson, and so many MORE. And the best part? it’s FREE. ➡️ sign up at the link in my BIO 🔥 My session is a unique Q&A-style, casual chat where I’ll dive into Attracting the Right Clients & Pricing for Profitability. Think of it like a podcast with your agency bestie—you'll be able to design & learn at the same time! So if you are asking yourself questions like; - How can I position my agency to attract bigger or better-paying clients? - What’s your go-to strategy for finding aligned clients? - How do I price my work? - What’s your take on pricing transparency: share rates upfront or wait? THIS IS THE SESSION FOR YOU. PLUS: if you upgrade your FREE ticket you’ll receive a bundle of goodies (worth $2000!!) for an incredibly low price. I’ll be providing my FULL, updated brand proposal and template package (includes discovery calls, creative direction, brand proposals, project management system and so much more). As well as an ****extended 40 minute Q&A style session where I talk through growing a team, mindset and mental health and creating scalable systems. Along with some of my own lessons to make you feel not so alone. SO GET YOUR FREE TICKET and even better, upgrade and grab the boss bundle to get your goodies. CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU THERE. ➡️ sign up at the link in my BIO 🔥
#designerbosssummit #designerboss