Mama Wolf here: Food exposures have worked wonders for Toren, though I understand they do not work for everyone! He has come so far over the last year and a half, and expanded his list of accepted foods so much! We are so grateful and so thankful for all of the support from all of you, thank you so much!💕 ARFID, (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) is a condition where a person significantly limits the volume or variety of foods they consume, causing malnutrition, or other issues. It is not based on body image issues. There are three subtypes of ARFID: (you can have all 3- I used to, but now have only avoidant/restrictive) 🔵Avoidant: this is the most common type. It is based on sensory issues. The person may feel sensitive to the smell, color, appearance or texture of foods. 🔵Aversive: This is when individuals refuse food based on a fear, like choking, nausea, vomiting, pain, or difficulty or issues with swallowing. 🔵Restrictive: This is when people show little to no interest in food. They may forget to eat, have no appetite or get extremely distracted during meals.
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