[Job Hunting Series - Part 1] January is one of the best months to look for a new job. But often times, half the battle is creating a solid game plan and setting realistic expectations for what can honestly be a grueling process. So part 1 is focused on addressing just that - stay tuned for more! My hope for this series is to make the job hunting journey a little easier for you 🫶🏽 💭Prompt
#1: “In the corporate world, how many job applications does it take on average to get hired? Please reference recent data based on this economy.” 📝 Note: The results of this prompt may vary, but after further research, multiple job platforms suggest that the average is 200-250 job applications per offer. These are rough numbers intended to help you set a goal and create a plan. Feel free to adjust as needed. 💭Prompt
#2:"Generate a 3-month job application tracking table formatted for Excel with the following specifications: Columns: Month (fill in January, February, March) Week (fill in Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4) Job Number (16 cells per week, filled sequentially as Job
#1, Job
#2, Job
#3, etc., up to Job
#192) Date (leave blank) Company (leave blank) Role (leave blank) Standard Application (leave blank) High Quality Application (leave blank) Ensure the table spans all 4 weeks for each month with job numbers increasing sequentially from Job
#1 to Job
#192. Format the output so it can be easily copied and pasted into Excel with proper column alignment." 📝 Note: This prompt is based on a job-hunting plan with a goal of 16 job applications per week. To adjust this prompt, change the job number section according to your needs.
#jobhunting #ai #chatgpt #jobsearch #jobtips