Many providers will placate their patients instead of being upfront and saying, nope, I am not going to support what you want at fact, I will block you. I suggest you start to have candid conversations with your providers from day 1. Do not let them skirt it. Get direct answers. What is most important to you? Start with those things. Join me as I break it down and also talk about all the deets. Starting on May 22nd, myself and my team doula will be talking about all the variables that can happen during birth… …and how you can TRULY prepare. 30 min a day for 5 days! Day 1: How to Communicate Your Birth Plan to Your Providers (Staff, Dr, Nurse...) with Power! Day 2: Should I get an epidural or not? How to choose your pain management plan. Day 3: Labor Pain: How bad is it? ...and How can I survive it? Day 4: Coping During Labor: Here’s What to Do During Each Stage Day 5: Insider Strategies to Breath & Push Your Baby Out: (+ Tips to Keep From Tearing) ⚡️Comment
#fearlessbirth to view the schedule, then sign up and get ready for us to take you under our wing and share all our secrets with you!
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