If you’re baby’s gone through the 4 month sleep regression, you know it’s famous for a reason 😬 Just when you think you might have lucked out and your baby is going to skip right over the 4 month sleep regression, sleep suddenly starts falling apart. 😩 The best way through the 4 month sleep regression is to start working on independent sleep skills. Through sleep learning, you can work with your baby, in their zone of proximal development, to help them learn the skills they need to initiate sleep independently, lengthen their naps, and drop any unnecessary night wakings. 🙌 The 4-24 Month Course walks you through the whole process, outlines all 4 of our approaches, AND teaches you how to tailor each approach to best fit your family! ✨Access FREE sleep materials at thepeacefulsleeper.com/tiktok/
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