A half a year and I’m just now finding the good in goodbyes. I crumbled and I caved for one last attempt some months ago but I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever do it again. Call me obsessed. Tell people I chopped the videos. Tell people I’m some horrible woman. Keep being you though. The real you will always show in due time. I hope my story saves women who were like me- and felt stuck. I hope it inspires women to put their child first and not their own heart before their kids. Hearing “you keep making this about you” enrages me, because if it was about me and up to me, I would have stayed and kept my family together because everyone knows how bad I wanted that. It’s about my daughter though, she deserves to see mommy happy and in a healthy home and environment. She should never think an angry home is normal. I broke the cycle for her to save her. If you can’t grasp that, I’m sorry. Neglecting your child is when you are mentally draining and abusing her one main provider and care taker without a care in the world also, just in case you were unsure what I mean when I say that.
#7times #dvsurvivor