#AbolishTheDeathPenalty advocates for the elimination of capital punishment, emphasizing human rights, justice reform, and the flaws in the justice system. It highlights moral concerns and promotes alternatives for accountability.
#duet with @FREE BILLIE ALLEN #2024 was the year that #billieallen’s sentence had been commuted by President Biden, saving him from being executed by the upcoming Trump Administration. We’re very grateful & thankful to #biden for taking this monumental step forward towards ending the death penalty & saving Billie from being executed. Let’s continue to work together so that #2025 will be the year that after 27 years of being #wrongfullyconvicted for a crime he didn’t commit, Biden will officially grant Billie a pardon, finally bringing him home to his family & friends where he belongs. We also thank everyone for all of their help. We couldn’t have gotten this far without all of you! #freebillieallen#praying#hope#faith#innocence#pardonbillieallen#massincarceration#timeisrunningout#dontgiveup#bringbillieallenhome#abolishthedeathpenalty
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