Replying to @user40662791270096 Why I Took an SSRI During Pregnancy – A Reflection When I was pregnant, I was young, scared, and trusting. I didn’t have all the knowledge I do now, and I put my faith completely in my doctor. When they recommended taking an SSRI to prevent postpartum depression, I felt pressure to do the “right” thing for my baby and myself. I didn’t question it. I didn’t research it. I simply followed their advice, believing they had my best interests in mind. Now, looking back, I see it differently. I regret not advocating for myself or asking more questions. I regret not being more informed about the potential risks and long-term effects, both for me and for my baby. At the time, I didn’t know how to push back or even that I could. This experience has stayed with me and shaped how I think about medical decisions today. It’s a reminder to trust my instincts, seek second opinions, and educate myself thoroughly. For anyone else who’s felt this way, you’re not alone. We do the best we can with the information we have at the time. My hope is that sharing this helps others feel empowered to ask questions, research options, and make decisions they feel confident about. We grow. We learn. And we do better when we know better.
#PostpartumJourney #InformedConsent #SSRIRegret #PregnancyDecisions #AdvocateForYourself #MaternalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #PregnancyReflection #EmpoweredMothers #HealingThroughSharing