This brother, Ibrahim Traoré, and several African nations are proving that Black African people can fully rule themselves—from the highest levels of government to the systems that sustain life: water, sewage, electricity, and more. They are showing the world what self-determination looks like, breaking free from dependency and taking charge of their destiny. Now let’s talk about us, African Americans. For over 60 years, we’ve lived under the rule of integration, and for over 400 years, we’ve been under the rule of European Americans. What has it done for us? Look at our condition. We’ve become a people who seem content to spin our wheels in insanity, expecting change while clinging to systems that have driven us mad. Maybe it’s time to step away. To come together as a people and solve our problems without the interference of those who profit from our disarray. If they can do it in Burkina Faso, why can’t we? The blueprint for liberation already exists. We just have to follow it.
#SelfDetermination #BlackEmpowerment #AfricanLiberation #Love #UnityIsStrength #BuildOurOwn #SelfRule #BlackExcellence