I thought 165 was going to feel like a mess, and look like a mess. I thought gaining weight was going to make me feel gross and disheveled and sloppy. This is the most I have ever weighed by almost 15 pounds. I went into this expecting the worst mental outcome, but still signing up for it because I knew the physical reward it would produce. I knew that purposefully gaining weight, good weight, was my path forward in bodybuilding. It’s funny. I always felt “big” my whole life. I had bigger legs than other girls. Bigger hands and feet. A big head with a big pile of curly hair. For so long I wanted to feel small. I wanted to shrink. I wanted to take up the least possible space imaginable. And I still keep to myself when I lift. And at home. Head down. Nose to the grindstone. But, now the game has changed. All of the sudden I entered an arena where I’m too small. And it’s fun to push my body. Build it. Grow muscles. It’s exciting to see it change. To watch the scale go up and the proportions be unwavering. This has been a great experience, and I am thankful for it. One more month, then coach @jacobwelch2008 and I are putting me on a minicut. Then. And this is the exciting part. We are going back up. Foot back on the gas.
#allgasnobrakes #maximumeffort We are doing this growth period how we think bodybuilding should be executed. And I am extremely happy with the results.
#leadfromthefront #bodybuilding #youaregreaterthanyouthink