Donate Today towards our $10,000 goal by Monday, February 10. Go to Or donate on Cashapp & Venmo (note BA Official) VENMO: RCP-Publications CASHAPP: $revcoms Just before Trump took power, Bob Avakian released his important message: 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward In the Face of Very Real Horror. Listen on @BobAvakianOfficial platforms. This message opens with this truth: Trump 2025 is not just another administration coming into office. This is fascism: the undisguised dictatorship of this system of capitalism-imperialism in the world’s most powerful capitalist-imperialist country... In a time of disorientation and despair, and in a time when many are looking for a meaningful way to fight all this—people need to hear the concrete and visionary leadership Bob Avakian is providing in this message. With Trump's "shock and awe" approach, this has been borne out. This has shaken millions to their core but there is widespread panic and paralysis. Right now, urgently, what people do and don't do depends on what they understand. >What is fascism? >Where did this fascism come from? >Why are there millions who support it? >Can it be defeated? >What is the nature of this system that's given rise to this nightmare and so many other atrocities? >Do we have a chance at a future—not just for ourselves, but for humanity? In a moment of existential danger and positive possibility, what's worth putting it all on the line for? They need to hear why we're in the situation we're in, and what to do about it. DONATE to get this message from @bobavakianofficial before millions NOW!
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