Replying to @Moldy B!t€h 🦠🔪✨ By now, most of us know that
#grounding is an evolutionary prerequisite. Humans are electromagnetic beings ⚡️🔋 We evolved to be grounded—in electrical contact with the earth. Before the advent of high rise buildings and synthetic materials, we remained in contact with the global electrical circuit of the planet 🌍 The earth has a natural negative charge that provides us with a virtually infinite supply of mobile electrons that help neutralize inflammation in the body. Research shows that grounding may be: - Anti-inflammatory - Promote wound healing - Reduce blood pressure - Improve sleep - Activate the parasympathetic nervous system / vagus nerve for
#nervoussystemregulation - Aid performance & recovery - Promote
#hormonebalance No matter your
#chronicillness —
#autoimmunity #dysautonomia #potssyndrome #hormoneimbance #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia #pcos — I sincerely hope your practitioner is preaching that restoring cellular bioenergetics via time in nature and contact with the earth. Some researchers even speculate grounding may be the ultimate antioxidant—helping to scavenge free radicals that damage our cells! Grounding has been a foundational healthy lifestyle pillar for me in my ongoing journey recovering from chronic illness ❤️🩹 But how do you practice
#earthing if you live in a cold climate? If, like most of us, you live in a climate that is not conducive to planting your bare feet on the ground year-round, grounding shoes are a great alternative 1️⃣ These shoes have a built-in ground flow system, enabling you to be electrically connected with the earth, even when you can’t go barefoot (linked in profile). These use conductive technology (already used in safety shoes for professions where people need to remain grounded, like electricians) that allow you to remain connected with the global electrical circuit while wearing athletic or hiking shoes. Even better if your earthing shoes are also barefoot shoes — promoting better alignment of the toes, foot splay, more natural foot movement, better proprioception, and a natural gait. 2️⃣ You can also hug a tree OR pet your dog after they’ve been outside collecting electrons! 3️⃣ When I’ve lived in cold climates, I’ve relied heavily upon my portable infrared tent sauna that comes with a a built-in GROUNDING MAT to equilibrate you with the earth’s potential while I detox 4️⃣ There’s also grounding mats, sleep systems, and therapy patches that essentially act as extension cords that connect you to the ground outside…but ensure you have the go-ahead from a building biologist before using these. 5️⃣ Bonus: If you’re in the housing market, look for a house with CONCRETE FLOORS—although it depends on how the house is constructed, concrete sometimes enables you to be grounded while barefoot inside your house 🙌🏼 However, it’s important to remember that the most accessible way to practice grounding is free - we just need to connect our bodies with the earth’s surface!
#mitochondria #redox #ancestralhealing #primal