HERE 👇🏼 If you’re struggling to find new readers, come up with content ideas, or create social media posts that actually draw in new readers, this tip is going to blow your mind. 🤯 (🔥Get your copy of “What Authors Can Post Before They Publish” for free - link is in my profile!) Most authors struggle to come up with a hook - what makes their book stand out. Here is my favorite Amazon hack to find words and descriptions that will make your book stand out. 🧠 First, brainstorm 2-3 books within your genre. 👩🏼💻 Go to Amazon and search for those titles. I like to find book titles that have at least a couple hundred to a few thousand reviews. 🧐 Next, go to the reviews for that book and look at the 3-star reviews. The reason why we want to go to the three star reviews is because they have more constructive criticism included within the review. They aren’t just glowing reviews like a five star and they aren’t “this was horrible” with no context with a one star. This constructive criticism is full of amazing information for you because it shows a) what the book was missing, b) what the readers of that genre are specifically looking for, and c) it gives you exact words and phrases that you can use in your hook. 🤯 For example, if a YA fantasy 3-star review said “I wish the main character would have been portrayed as a stronger more independent woman,” you can highlight the “strong, independent woman” in your hook and copy. For non-fiction, if a review says something like, “I wish this book would have given more practical and actionable tips that we could use,” You could really lean into “practical and actionable tips” in your hook because that’s what people are looking for. This is my favorite way to see what people are looking for, what other books are lacking, and what you can highlight about your book. And - BONUS - it’s using the exact words that readers are using so they will be searchable online. You can use these in your book’s description, social media posts, website copy, and more.
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