Are you super confused about what are the “best practices” when starting solids? Are you getting so much conflicting information from friends, family, and “dr. google?” Hi! I am Cindy, a pediatric registered dietitian, international board certified lactation consultant and co-author of the EVIDENCE-BASED baby-led feeding guide @101beforeone We teach parents around the world how to be confident in their starting solid approach and feed their children nutrient dense meals from the get-go. Let me help clear up a few points of confusion I highlight above: ✅Food should always be fun but is NOT just for fun. Food introduction at six months is needed for meeting nutritional needs, introducing top allergens, texture and flavor exposure, and for helping your child learn to eat. ✅Iron needs are high at six months of age so you NEED to focus on iron-rich foods at each meal. ✅BLW has not been shown to have any higher choking risk than those fed traditional purees. Research actually shows that children exposed to lumpy textures the LEAST amount are the MOST at risk. ✅We do recommend introducing many different flavors and textures early on to help prevent again texture preferences during a period of adventurous eating - research supports this. ✅Babies can 100% consume purees + finger foods together and it does not confuse them. ✅No matter the order of introduction of the different types of food (veggies, grains, meat, fruit), the key point is to offer continuous variety. Babies do prefer sweets from the get-go so it doesn’t matter the order of introduction but variety, consistently is key. ✅We do not need to spoon feed our child to ensure they are getting enough. Self-feeding and honoring hunger cues to promote intuitive eating is recommended by all top health organizations. ✅The perfect portion size is the portion size your child eats. Whew. The misinformation out there is wild.
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