When the Doctor tells you not to lift more than 20lbs… Have back pain? Get our free low back series of videos sent straight to your inbox by messaging us the word “back”. Have you been given lifting restrictions? There's a time and a place for them. There are definitely some acute situations and post operative periods where weight restrictions are extremely appropriate. However, when someone is given a permanent or life-long lifting restriction we have to laugh. Especially if that person is a parent, has a job that requires lifting, lives alone, etc. Doctors can do better when it comes to helping people return to doing what they love, or even just the basics of what the NEED to do to function. If you are given a lifting restriction ask questions about how long it is for, when and how you can safely begin increasing the weight and returning to normal activities. There are SO many long term health benefits to strength training and lifting weights. On an even more basic level- just maintaining your normal activities of daily living like carrying in groceries, doing chores, and other things which build and maintain muscle are essential for long-term quality of life. Losing independence and strength can have a profoundly negative impact on a person's mental health, metabolic health, and lifespan. Let's focus on helping people do more, not less! Last days of our New Years sale are right now! Don’t miss the chance to save up to $500 off our programs!
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