Spring is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to start planning your redbud
#harvest! 🌸✨ Last April, I foraged fresh redbud flowers from my
#backyardgarden and turned them into the most beautiful and delicious redbud jelly you’ve ever seen. This jelly is a must-try for anyone looking to preserve the flavors of spring in a jar. 🍯 In this video, I’ll show you step-by-step how I made it (and the one mistake I wish I hadn’t made—eyeballing lemon juice instead of measuring!). Here’s the full recipe so you can prepare for your own redbud jelly adventure: Redbud Jelly Recipe: 1️⃣ 4 cups of redbud flowers (stems removed) 2️⃣ 4 cups of very hot water 3️⃣ 1 ½ tbsp lemon juice 4️⃣ Let sit in the fridge overnight, then drain flowers and add liquid to a pot. 5️⃣ Add 1 packet of pectin and bring to a rolling boil. 6️⃣ Add 4 cups of sugar (pre-measured—trust me on this!) and boil for 1 minute. 7️⃣ Pour into jars, wipe tops with vinegar, and water bath can for 15 minutes. 💡 Tip: Don’t skip the measuring step! There’s a time and place for eyeballing in recipes, but jelly-making isn’t it! 😅 Get inspired to forage for redbuds this spring and create your own nature-inspired recipes. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more garden-to-table ideas! 🌱💜 👉 Let me know in the comments: Have you ever cooked with foraged flowers? What should I try next?
#growyourownfood #gardenharvest #gardenharvest