I’ve seen a lot of people grab a handful of cookies and justify by saying “well everything in moderation right?” And then in the next breath complain about being overweight. Now it’s hard to define moderation in broad terms because people have different goals and starting points. For example for me moderation used to mean getting a pizza once a week because that was a huge improvement on eating it 3 times a week. Now I might have a pizza once every 4 months and I LOVE pizza. And every time I have it, I make sure it counts. Each time it tastes like the best pizza in the world and I appreciate the $hit out of it. “But life is short, do what makes you happy” The thing is, this DOES make me happy. I’m happy with how I feel and how I look and that feels better than any pizza could ever taste. So the next time you want to treat yourself in the name of moderation, just ask yourself “does this move me closer or further from my goals?”
#eatinginmoderation #moderationwith food
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