TEST YOUR BALANCE 👏🏼 Sometimes your balance isn’t always as good as you think… This test can challenge your balance in a new way. Ever tried balancing with your eyes closed? 👀🚫 It’s MUCH harder! That’s because when you close your eyes, your body can no longer rely on vision to stay steady ☝🏽 Instead, your brain has to use your inner ear (vestibular system) and muscles (proprioception) to keep you upright. If you wobble more with your eyes closed, it’s a sign your balance needs work—but don’t worry, you can improve it! 💪 Working at this for just a couple minutes per day can really make a big difference ✅ Keep in mind if you have neuropathy, history of a stroke or a condition that impacts your nerves and/or feeling in your feet- balance can be much more difficult. ⚠️ SAFETY IS KEY ⚠️ Make sure you have appropriate support and modify as needed.
#balanceexercises #balance #balancetraining #balancetest #balance #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #jointhealth Not medical advice. Try at your own risk.