When people say “I feel like I’m always redirecting my puppy and yet they keep biting, barking, etc, I’m not seeing a change in their behavior” 99% of the time when I work with them it’s because they were relying too much on redirection If you’re always redirecting to a toy when they bite, ignoring when they bark and only praising when they stop, taking the thing out of their mouth and giving them a toy, that tells me that they don’t have enough guidance on what to do INSTEAD of bite when they want attention, INSTEAD of barking when they want something, INSTEAD of grabbing things when they’re bored Once you get to the root of the behavior and teach your puppy what to do INSTEAD (ie sit, calmly play with your own toys), which is what I do with puppy owners in my 1:1 program daily, you’ll see them be more calm You’ll be doing work from home with them calmly next to you playing with a toy, with you actually being able to focus on your work instead of being anxious that your manager is going to wonder why you haven’t gotten anything done You’ll be able to sit on the couch at night after a long day and watch your favorite show with them cuddled up next to you with their own toy, without them biting or running off and getting into things and you having to be paranoid about all the mischief they’re getting into You’ll finally feel connected to them, be able to bond with them because they won’t bite, bark, etc anymore because they now understand what to do INSTEAD It’s how we taught Cookie, a 3 month old
#labpuppy to stop biting in 2.5 weeks after they were constantly redirecting her for a month prior to us working together, spending hours of their day redirecting, searching for solutions and not seeing a change It’s how we taught Sami, a 4 month
#bernesepuppy to stop biting in 2.5 weeks of working together after she completed a 6 week puppy class prior to us working together just for her puppy to keep biting (because they were only teaching “redirect to a toy, say “leave it” and commands) This is what we do together in my 1:1 online puppy training program. Grab all of the details using the 🔗 in my b!o