Did your Ex leave you in a really toxic way? Did they act cold, or act abusively, or completely ghost you and act like you were nothing? I’ve been doing this kind of work for a while, and there’s one constant that I see over and over again. If they left you in a toxic way and they return, they’ll leave you in a toxic way AGAIN if the conditions are such that they think they need to. Listen closely. People don’t change UNLESS they have done some very serious work on themselves. Most won’t even acknowledge that they need work, much less actually DO the work…so if you’re sitting around sad that they left, and want them to come back, you’re only setting yourself up for round two of the same garbage down the road. And listen, life is WAY too short to be spending all of it on trying to make really toxic people into healthy people, when they have no desire to see that happen. Your boundaries need to be high if you take them back at all, and you should be very clear in your own mind what those boundaries are going to be. They’ve already done you a favor by showing you who they really are when the chips are down. Let me suggest that you believe them, and don’t consider taking them back unless they’re willing to climb the high walls if your boundaries. Remember the higher you climb the better the view. Let me encourage you to climb higher because you deserve to be happy.