PART ONE - bullet proofing your knees. I’m currently facing the fact that I’m 28 and acting like im much younger lol throwing weight around is all fun and games until you start to feel a little pain here and there. Every time I add Bulgarians into my routine I start to feel it in my knees so I’m taking precautionary action and I’m making sure I can continue doing heavy lifts for lower body as long as possible. Follow along if you’d like to do the same 🙏🏼✨ If you’re dealing with knee pain, recovering from an injury, or just want to bulletproof your knees, these three movements are game changers for building strength and stability: 1️⃣ Walking Backwards – This improves knee health by strengthening the quads, especially the VMO (the teardrop-shaped muscle above your knee), which plays a huge role in knee stability. It’s also great for reducing knee pain and improving mobility. Try it on a treadmill or on flat ground! 2️⃣ Terminal Knee Extensions (TKEs) – These target the VMO and help improve knee control and strength, especially if you’ve had knee pain or weakness. Use a resistance band anchored at knee height, step back to create tension, and extend your knee fully. 3️⃣ Step Downs (Forward & Backward) – These improve single-leg strength, balance, and knee stability. Forward step-downs challenge control and eccentric strength, while backward step-downs reinforce stability and help reduce knee strain over time. Incorporating these into your routine can help strengthen your knees, reduce pain, and improve overall lower-body function. Try adding them before your workouts or as part of your rehab/prehab routine! ✅ Repeat this as many times a week as you’d like ✨ I treat this like a finisher to my workout or an intro to my leg day ✅ As many reps as you feel comfortable with with do but I’d recommend 2-3 sets of 10-12 if you want to make it measurable Tag a friend who needs this! 🔥💪
#KneeStrength #PainFreeKnees #BulletproofKnees