This is the game changer if you want to attract more butterflies to your garden 🦋 Eliminating pesticide use is the single most important thing you can do to create a butterfly-friendly garden. Pesticides can harm or kill butterflies, along with other beneficial insects. By choosing pesticide-free gardening practices, you’ll not only attract more butterflies but also support the overall health of your ecosystem. In addition to reducing pesticides, here are four more butterfly garden design tips: 🌸Select plants with varying bloom times so butterflies are fed from spring through fall. Butterflies are drawn to clusters of like colors so it is important to plant enough of the same flowers together. 🌼Butterflies favor native plants and are drawn to brightly colored purples, blues, yellows, whites, and pinks. 🌸Focus on plants with multiple florets as well as composite flowers, because they can get more nectar at one time. 🌼Avoid double-flowering varieties because they carry less nectar. Try these garden design tips for attracting more butterflies in your garden this year and follow for more flower gardening inspiration. Save and share this reel with a friend who would love to see more butterflies in their garden! 🦋
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