How many times have you set a calendar block in your schedule, only to ignore the notification when the reminder to start popped up? I used to struggle with the same thing when I struggled with procrastination and was testing out textbook time management hacks with no success. I thought I was ignoring the notification because I was lazy and didn’t feel like it. But I was actually “not feeling like it” because I was overwhelmed with the worry my work wouldn’t be “good enough” and had major imposter syndrome. This is why the root cause of a lot of your procrastination isn’t time management... but your fear of failure. What we need to do instead is use a method I formed called Fear Exposing. It helps you work with the specific deep-rooted beliefs that have caused the fear so you can heal it and stop experiencing it. But also work somatically with the emotional part of it, so the fear is processed (instead of ignored) so that you can start approaching your work without overthinking “what if” scenarios or needing a calendar block to get you to start. I teach you how to do that inside my signature procrastination program, Today not Tomorrow. Follow me on instagram for more!
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