Are you tired of 'functional' training programs that are designed to prepare you for trivial things like lifting your children, playing sports, or sitting at a desk with good posture? These are all things you should be able to do anyways, why do you need or *prepare* for them? Why not prepare for the kinds of events that could THREATEN YOUR LIFE. Its 3AM. You're in a seedy bar a half a world away. You have nothing but a fake passport, a dossier, 3 cigarettes, and a tooth full of cyanide. You're sipping your umpteenth drink because the water isn't safe when you feel the garrote tighten around your windpipe. One of the unfriendly acronyms is here to punch your ticket. Are you just going to sit there and let your throat be crushed? Absolutely not, you TRAINED for this and by god you have a hegemony to uphold! Your neck has become far stronger than a measly line of piano cord. You flex your sternocleidomastoid and the wire snaps. You round on your adversary lifting him from the ground and inverting him into position for a perfectly executed suplex, obliterating his cervical spine. Perhaps he should have prepared for that instead of carrying sandbags and doing burpees. My patent pending training program is designed to prepare you for the kinds of events you DO need to be prepared for. After completing my rigorous training you'll be prepared for: Bear Attack Meteor Shower Collapse of Cryptocurrency Hepatitis G The SAT Astral Incursion And More! Comment PREPARED to start your consultation today!
#neckstrength #
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