Have you found yourself saying, “I am too sick for brain retraining”? Ok—I hear you. 🧠But I’m here to tell you that change begins with the brain. We have the choice to stay the same or make a commitment to ourselves to make even 1% changes to our thoughts, beliefs, and habits if they’re holding us back. 🏆And these small changes can add up to BIG results. In Vital-Side, we use a combo of top-down and bottom-up approaches to healing. The top-down approach is all about producing changes in our thinking brain to prompt a cascade of change that positively affects our emotions, which then positively affects our body. By first working with our thinking brain to calm the stress response, we can experience less anxiety, worry, fear, dread, anger, and feelings of isolation. As our thoughts & emotions enter into a state of ease, our nervous system shifts into parasympathetic mode, allowing us to experience relief from symptoms like sleep disturbances, fatigue, aches & pains, and digestive issues. 👉🏼Think of it this way: your prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for logic & reason) is the boss, and your limbic system (the part of the brain responsible for emotional responses) is the employee. The prefrontal cortex activates cognitive controls to direct the limbic system on how to respond. This enables us to alter our perception of past experiences to reshape our physiological & emotional responses to current environmental stimuli. Things like: →actual & perceived threats →trauma triggers →conflict & stressors 💎When you become a Vital-Side Member, you’ll learn how you can reinforce the thoughts, feelings, and actions that support your optimal health & wellbeing through the repetition of mental exercises. But rest assured, the top-down approach isn’t the only way to approach healing. I’ll be discussing the bottom-up approach very soon. If you are brand new to brain retraining OR have been retraining for some time but don’t know how to effectively communicate with your protective part of you, the Release Meditation Series is designed for you. Check out Release at the 🔗 in my bio.
#meditation #nervoussystemregulation #chronicillnesshypehouse #autonomicnervoussystem #spooniecommunity