⭐️NEW DROP! 🔎 “JOOLS TV’s David and Goliath” to find the full length song at our channel! 🔗❤️ 👋🏾We’re JOOLS TV—a Black-owned, Millennial run, family business from Chicago! We’re dedicated to our late son JJ 😇🪽and committed to making animation and educational music that the whole family can enjoy! 🖤🎶 Stick around for: 🔥 Trap, hip-hop, R&B and afrobeats. 😎 Nostalgic remixes 🧠 Clever, witty, and educational lyrics ✨ Watch us on on our channel 📺❤️ for full length songs. And download from anywhere you get music!🎶😎 🏷️Tag your friends, your fam, and all the parents, teachers, and kids in your life! Let’s spread the word and keep the vibes going. 💫
#issabop #nurseryrhymes #davidandgoliath #churchflow #sundayschoolbeats