Getting to the root cause of my hormonal cystic acne by getting a blood test 🩸 I have been on my hormonal cystic acne journey for over a decade 😩 and no matter what I applied topically, it was never enough to FULLY get rid of my acne. My derm suggested I take Spironolactone but since it can negatively impact fertility, I didn't want to risk taking it since I am planning on freezing my eggs soon (let me know if you guys have any questions on this - def going to be creating more content around this topic!) Plus Spiro is a band aid solution and I wanted to get to the ROOT cause of my acne. Even eating super clean - at one point, I was dairy, gluten, caffeine, AND sugar free - wasn't enough. And I was still dealing with back to back breakouts. My body wasn't processing correctly and kept trying to drain through my skin. I was working with a nutritionist for the past year and a half, which was amazing for my gut issues, but wasn't seeing much progress with my skin so I decided to try out the @CLEARSTEM Skincare Acne Lab Panel because it's acne specific and looks at what's going on internally that could be causing breakouts. The results confirmed my suspicions and I got put on a protocol of healing herbs and supplements for 3 months. I'm about a month in and despite some purging, I think my skin is improving. Excited to see what my skin is like after I'm done with the protocol and will keep you updated! Do you deal with hormonal acne?
#hormonalacne #cysticacnetreatment #acnejourney #acnetips #acnetreatment #clearstemskincare #bloodtest #acnetriggers