Context: In the princessknight family au, princessknight’s home is home to many children who all view each other as siblings. Milky Way, Cloud Haetae, and Pinecone are examples of the princessknight kids, hence why they are in this video. Pinecone is a bit of a handful at times, and Milky Way and Cloud Haetae took notice to that. Because of this, they decided to hatch a plan in order to make Pinecone leave home for a bit. They pranked Pinecone, leaving them in an area. What Milky Way and Cloud Haetae didn’t know was that the area they left Pinecone in was owned by Old Man Velvet. And Old Man Velvet didn’t take kindly for a toddler cookie to be left with him.
#CookieRun #CookieRunKingdom #PineconeCookie #MilkyWayCookie #CloudHaetaeCookie #RedVelvetCookie #KnightCookie #ClottedCreamCookie