This zine was inspired by my recent trip to Solvang — a little Danish town in California 📍 I tried authentic Swedish fish, visited their local bookstore, and ate the best stew I ever had in my life. Then I saved all my receipts, trash, and polaroids to create this “scrapbook” style zine. The main difference between a zine and a scrapbook is that you usually don’t make photocopies of your scrapbook to distribute it to others. However, if you wanted to, that’s where zines come in. Here’s an example of when the two worlds collide, proving that zines have no limits. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I love pushing the boundaries in my zines to challenge my creativity. I view my style as an evolution of the format, not a departure. Me creating zines in the way that I do doesn’t make them any less of a “real” zine…it just makes them mine ⭐️
#zines #scrapbooking #scrapbookzine #collageart #zinetok #collagesoup @Collage Soup