Yes, aging sucks. But it’s also a gift.
NO TOXIC POSITIVITY HERE. Just the plain truth about getting older:
Aging is maturing, growing up, learning new stuff, serving others, having fun, being present, being thankful.
WOW! I sure wasn’t living this way as 20 something or a 40 year old! 💪 Every day we have the chance to “get life right”.
At 20 I was selfish and didn’t care about personal growth. 💪 Every day we have the opportunity to live a purpose driven life. At 30 I had no purpose. I was a big hot mess. 💪 Every day we get a shot at making amends for dumb mistakes we made last week or five years ago. At 40 no way was I going to admit I was wrong. 💪 Every day we can make the world a bit better than it was yesterday. Thank God I am not the same as I was when I was 20, 30 40. AGING IS A GIFT. Like what you hear? Are you feeling stuck, unfulfilled, not very confident? How would your life change if you became mentally strong and resilient, despite all the chaos going on in the world? I can help. Click on the link in my bio and schedule a “LET’S MEET” complementary Zoom call today. I’d like to hear why what keeps you up at night and goals you keep missing. I'll share my coaching strategies for how you can win more in your life.
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