A push-up is a compound bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the upper body and core muscles. It involves lowering and raising your body by bending and straightening your arms while maintaining a plank-like position. Key Characteristics of a Push-Up: 1-Movement Type: Pushing movement, where you are pushing your body away from the ground. 2-Exercise Classification: • Strength Training Exercise: Builds strength in the upper body and core. 3-Compound Exercise: Engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. -Muscles Worked: • Primary Muscles: Pectoralis major (chest), deltoids (shoulders), and triceps (back of the arms). • Secondary Muscles: Core muscles (abdominals, obliques), serratus anterior, and stabilizing muscles in the lower back and glutes. 4-Type of Contraction: -Eccentric Phase: Lowering the body toward the floor (muscles lengthen under tension). -Concentric Phase: Pushing the body back up to the starting position (muscles shorten under tension). -Isometric Hold: Maintaining a rigid plank position throughout the movement. 5-Functional Movement: -Push-ups mimic real-life pushing actions, improving functional strength for activities like pushing objects or supporting body weight. 6-Stabilization: -The core and lower body must stay engaged to prevent sagging or misalignment, making it a full-body stability exercise. Benefits of Push-Ups: • Improves upper body strength. • Enhances core stability. • Requires no equipment. • Improves shoulder and chest endurance.
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