A home protection spell jar is one of my favorite spells to do around the time of the Rauhnacht, which in Germanic regions of Europe would have been a period of 12 days between or around the winter solstice and the epiphany where the veil between worlds would have been thin enough for spirits to cross over and cause mayhem. A very spooky period! I like to work with my ancestors from those regions during this time of year to really enhance my protection and cleansing magic. It’s pretty hard to ignore my great grandmother’s voice during this time, quietly but firmly urging me to please, for the love of god, dust. Jokes aside, this was traditionally a time of many taboos, magic and reflection in the regions that my ancestors came from. Winter is already a time I recede inward, reflect and rebuild my shield, so I love being able to add a little ancestral work into an already strong habit. And through the materials I used, I was able to invite my Celtic ancestors along to assist. I reused a skull candle jar from @awoodlandmagic as my vessel, and added my version of “black” salt (Irish peat moss + sea salt), juniper, rose, deer bones, rue, rusty nails, oils and a petition. The deer bones I added were hand-collected, and it felt appropriate to include them because the deer on this land see EVERYTHING. They’re always watching. Bees, in Celtic folklore, are the messengers of the Otherworld - and I’ve included their honey here for them to provide a link to the spirits that I’m calling in through the veil. I used my favorite oils from @lunar.leos, Spirits & Black Eyed Dog, which have a place in every spell for me. They’re fiercely protective and are packed with magical botanicals that are so close to my heart. I’ve been loving the protection and ancestors oils from @thedeathwitch. Adding these oils into my everyday magical practice alongside my other oils has been a game changer. Support your local witches!
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