I will start this with a disclaimer: OBVIOUSLY, this post is not directed at everyone. Not EVERYONE thinks these thoughts. NOT EVERYONE needs to hear this advice. However, I used to think it was “hardly anyone” thinks these things. “Hardly anyone” needs to hear this advice. It is disheartening to realize that I was wrong. Putting to one side the efficacy of DEIA programs, I find it extremely troubling how quickly people are willing to forget why they were implemented in the first place. Do we honestly think equality has been achieved for everyone? Did we fool ourselves into believing that hundreds of years of slavery, disenfranchisement, Jim Crow legislation could be “solved” with a few decades? Rolling back these programs, removing books from schools, legislating against the sharing of an unabridged version of US History… whether it’s intentional, there’s no mistake that all of this will lead to the erasure of voices that have already had to work 1,000x harder to be heard and, conveniently, an unearned absolution for those responsible. So, I suppose it’s up to us to remember the who, what, when, where, and WHY. Let’s remember.
#koreanauntygivesadvice #deia #letsremember