And you can point out EVERY flaw about what they’re saying, but they will just never admit to anything. I’m not saying that I overanalyze peoole who do fake disorders, but sometimes it’s royally obvious (as in posts from a while back of someone wishing they had alters, then they suddenly “realize” they have DID) and the community will work a 9 to 5 to spam you with “they just didn’t realize they had trauma!!!” and “you’re not their doctor!!!” (P.S. their doctor even states that they don’t think the person has DID /targeted). Find a hobby, do something productive, be a decent person and maybe talk about a disability or disorder you actually have, rather than trying to find a more severe one that you subtly relate to. When did we forget the most ICONIC line in this community? “You could always be wrong”? Now we’re self diagnosing with a complex disorder that’s mixed up with psychotic disorder, schizophrenia, BPD, bipolar disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and factitious disorder and we’re like “yes, go right into a community when you haven’t even gotten medical recognition yet”! Some self-diagnosed individuals are right, no duh, but it’s usually coincidental. People who think they have DID but are diagnosed with BPD don’t have “bad doctors”, they’re just scared of being wrong and need people to depend on, rather than real friends who can reality check them.
#osddsystem #uddsystem #didsystem #systok #disorders #disabilities #holocollectionsystem #evilkogito