Has anyone ever taught you how your female hormones work and functional ladies? Many of us have no idea how our hormones fluctuate throughout the month! If our hormones fluctuate throughout the month, there are different depends and needs for those hormones every single week! Here is what your body needs for exercise during all four weeks of your cycle. Days 1-7: This is the 5-7 days of menstruation. During this time, it’s essential to take it easy with exercise while ensuring you keep moving for circulation. Your uterus needs oxygen and time to contract to release the endometrial lining. It can cause hormonal depletions if you do intense workouts during this phase of your cycle. You still want to keep moving to bring oxygen to the smooth muscle and circulate blood flow. The vibe plate is an excellent tool for circulation, benefiting all organs, including the brain. Pilates, yoga, and other adaptive exercises support blood flow throughout the body, while the infrared sauna boosts circulation and relaxation. Avoid intense workouts during this phase, as they can interfere with the complete release of the endometrial lining and may contribute to conditions like endometriosis or PCOS. You might feel good doing intense exercise due to the endorphin release, but it’s not great for your body. Days 7- 14: This is the time for ramping up your workout intensity. As your hormones rise, so does your insulin sensitivity, making it easier for your body to handle sugar. Cortisol helps bring sugar into your system, and your body can utilize it more efficiently. The body can also handle more stress during this time, allowing for more intense workouts. Take advantage of this time when your hormonal and insulin systems are primed for stress. Go ahead and lift heavy weights because this is when you’ll be rewarded for your efforts, with increased capacity for hard work. This is the time to achieve greater weight loss results and build muscle. Days 14- 21: During this time, your progesterone levels rise. This is the phase where you can cause the most damage if you exercise too much. If you’re always striving for six-pack abs through intense workouts, you can deplete some of your hormones. Women aren’t meant to have six-pack abs but should maintain a healthy layer of fat. So, don’t feel pressured to push yourself to the limit constantly. Instead, focus on flexibility exercises, yoga, vibe plates, and light walking to stabilize your heart rate. Overexerting yourself during this phase can have long-term effects, such as PMS, cancer, and other hormone problems. Avoid stressors like inflammatory foods, emotional stress, and high-intensity workouts. Take time to find ways to reduce stress. Days 21-28: As your hormones decrease, it’s an ideal time for intense workouts like sprints, CrossFit, HIIT, and other high-intensity exercises. Working hard during this phase helps regulate hormonal levels and can induce menstruation if it’s a little behind. However, if your luteal phase is too short, keep resting until your hormones are balanced.
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