Call or text 800-705-5206 to schedule your session or personal certification 🌐 Visit
#Benefits of
#navelcandling include assistance with menstrual pain and PMS, warming the
#womb supporting gynecological health, ovarian rejuvenation, and detoxification. It helps increase vitality and sexual desire, aids in alleviating amenorrhea (absence of menses), enhances circulation, and promotes blood flow. Navel candling also helps remove toxins through the lymphatic system, alleviates stomach issues like flatulence and stomach aches, and may improve digestive and colon health. NAVEL CANDLING & EAR CANDLING Certification Classes available at the YONI STEAM INSTITUTE
#earcandling #yonisteaminstitute #yeyeolosunde #healingamillion #healingwaters #wombwellness #womensretreat